Is The Apple back?!

I look at the last post I’ve written and I realise it’s been ages, more than three years have passed. I go through the old files on my laptop and I find an abundance of posts and ideas left by the side. Numerous posts in the My Coffee Said series greeted my eyes as I…

My Coffee Said: What’s that?

What is My Coffee Said? A lot of us drink coffee or its countless variations for reasons relating to each one of us. While enjoying your usual cup of joe, have you ever stopped and found yourself in one of these instances? Your creative conscience got flooded with new ideas? Came up with the solution…

This One is On You!

“It is said around that your life is your choice, the decisions you make and their consequences will only be borne by you. So, you have to choose wisely! But has it ever occurred to you that the same people who preach this “independence” hypothesis are the same people who keep wagging their noses into…

My life-support system

I realize that we change day after day, even if we don’t notice it until it’s too late. We don’t see things like we used to, we don’t enjoy the same things we used to enjoy and we don’t love the same things we once loved. It’s as if you’ve become a blurred version of…

Nobody Knows!

“She always believed people only see what they wanted to see, and it’s that thought that invaded her mind as she went through her friend’s words in her mind. Those around her saw only her quietness, her seemingly calm beauty, her polite chatter, a smile that gave the impression of an embarrassed child, her wise…

Believe All You Want

“People talk about hope as if it were like air, you can easily breathe it in and out naturally and supposedly with no problems. Life refuses to be that simple though, so it throws you off the road every now and then, plants bushes, installs speed pumps right before the twisty corners it has prepared…

A Willingly Abandoned Heart

“She admitted to leaving her heart somewhere she wasn’t sure of. What she knew was that it was somewhere she’d felt pure happiness and joy, a place she hadn’t endured any sadness or heartbreak in and that’s where she preferred it to be even if she felt hallow inside. At times she felt a hook…

“As humans we thrive….”

“As humans we thrive for conclusions. Yet that hunger of ours isn’t free of charge. It ruins the beauty of the journey for us. So instead of a real conclusion, it throws at us what was once the good things waiting for us along the way! Don’t rush things, abandon your ego, throw your fear…

Stop Stripping Away Our Dignity

Stop Stripping Away Our Dignity My first time of being published was when I wrote a poem for my high school magazine, it happened only once because the following year I graduated. As a writer who is still trying to make it and understand as possible the perks of advertisement on social media websites, I…

That’s how stubborn I am!

“I’m a stubborn person, never been ashamed of it and never tried to hide it. It prevails itself in my attitudes or my thinking, but I’m not stubborn just for kicks like they say. I’m stubborn because I refuse to be taken for granted, to be excluded out of the process of taking important decisions…