My Coffee Said: What’s that?

What is My Coffee Said? A lot of us drink coffee or its countless variations for reasons relating to each one of us. While enjoying your usual cup of joe, have you ever stopped and found yourself in one of these instances? Your creative conscience got flooded with new ideas? Came up with the solution…

Nobody Knows!

“She always believed people only see what they wanted to see, and it’s that thought that invaded her mind as she went through her friend’s words in her mind. Those around her saw only her quietness, her seemingly calm beauty, her polite chatter, a smile that gave the impression of an embarrassed child, her wise…

Do You Accept Change?

“It’s hard to accept change, specially that of those around us. We mostly see and accept our own changes but expect everyone else to stay the same. Just so you know, the people you can’t accept their new selves, probably have the same problem accepting your new self as well.” -A


“Once upon a time I had a best friend, not just any best friend but one who captures both your mind and heart. One who stood by me even during my most ridiculous mood swings, even without knowing what caused them. One I always felt indebted to for carrying me through so many hardships without…

Believe All You Want

“People talk about hope as if it were like air, you can easily breathe it in and out naturally and supposedly with no problems. Life refuses to be that simple though, so it throws you off the road every now and then, plants bushes, installs speed pumps right before the twisty corners it has prepared…

Don’t Blame Yourself!

“In general, when we look back at some of the decisions we’ve made in the past, we mostly observe them by regret. ‘I wish I never did that’, ‘I wish I picked up the phone and called’, ‘I wish I never expressed how I felt’ and it goes on and on. If at any moment…

A change of heart, a change of plan!

It was all very emotional for her, right from the start and until the very last second. Although at times she might seem like a solid rock, there’s all gooey and flowery deep inside! “She knew that forgiveness cannot go hand in hand with thinking that others won’t change because change is about them while…

Nostalgia For Sale?

I believe there are only two types of incidents which might cause people to lose sense of the past. It’s either you suffered from some sort of a health crisis that led you to losing your memories of the passed time or you’re getting old and the details of time started dripping from your memory….